Stan Gilliam, Artist

Heaven -- 14x26 in --  (Sold) 

Evening Wind (Sold)

Bead River (Sold)

Still Life No. 4 -- 20x31 in -- $500

Dark Still Life -- 18x 21 in --  $400

Northwest Passage (Sold)

Sun as Lotus / Mississippi River -- 14x17 in -- $350 

Crepuscule With Mary Lou -- 22x17 in -- $350

Crepuscule With S.R. -- 22x26 in -- $350

Hot and Cold Running Wooder -- 28x16 in -- $350

Fences I -- 18x15 in -- #200

That's Amore!  --  21"x 23" -- $500

Stan Gilliam, Artist

Homage to Turner I of set-- 17x17 in 

Homage to Turner II of set -- 17x17 in 

Homage to Turner III of set -- 17x17 in

 Armor -- 15x19 in -- $300

Homage to Turner -- Set of three  -- $1,000.00


